Nkechi also seized the opportunity to advise and cautioned her fans that while more formal photos are yet to come, anyone who omits her hard-earned title might just stir up trouble.
I her words, “Before I enter studio snap professional pictures, Manage this one first if you fail to address me as DR. NBS we go get serious problem anywoo hello LAGOS DR is back.”
Nkechi Blessing’s honorary doctorate degree comes shortly after Nancy Isime, a well-known Nigerian actress and media personality, also announced she received an honorary doctorate in arts and philosophy from Prowess University Delaware in the United States.
Nkechi also seized the opportunity to advise and cautioned her fans that while more formal photos are yet to come, anyone who omits her hard-earned title might just stir up trouble.
I her words, “Before I enter studio snap professional pictures, Manage this one first if you fail to address me as DR. NBS we go get serious problem anywoo hello LAGOS DR is back.”
Nkechi Blessing’s honorary doctorate degree comes shortly after Nancy Isime, a well-known Nigerian actress and media personality, also announced she received an honorary doctorate in arts and philosophy from Prowess University Delaware in the United States. 
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